The cutest animal kwaka


You must have read and seen many times about the world's dangerous, small and big animals.Here we are telling you about such a happy animal whose face always looks like smiling.

➡️A very cute animal called kwaka is found in the swampy areas of Western Australia.The texture of its face is such that it is always seen smiling. his smile is adorable,And hence it is considered as the happiest animal in the world.These animals come under the category of marsupials That is, those animals that keep their baby in their pouch like a kangaroo.It is a species of kangaroo, but its size is equal to that of a pet cat. Kwaka is very popular among the tourists of Australia. Not only this, they also click selfies with lots of love.Usually they like to stay with their families or in groups and go out only at night. They can be seen in large numbers on Rottnest Island in Australia.

 ๐Ÿ‘‰The kwaka weighs 2.5 kg and measures 40 to 54 cm in length without the tail.    

๐Ÿ‘‰Its tail length is about 25 to 30 cm.

๐ŸŒณCan easily climb trees

➡️Its body is thick, ears are round and wide and head is small.They look somewhat like baby kangaroos.It climbs trees easily. There are hairs on the body whose color is darker on the back and lighter in front.Females can give birth twice a year. Its child remains in the mother's pouch for 6 months. At about 1.5 years of age, the quokka becomes capable of producing children on its own. 

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