the Sun
The Sun is composed of 74% hydrogen and 24% helium. The rest is made up of heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, iron and neon.The temperature of the outer surface of the Sun is about 5500 degree Celsius, while the temperature of the inner surface is about one crore 31 lakh degree Celsius. The pressure of its interior is about 340 billion times more than the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere. The energy that originates from the center of the Sun takes about 50 million years to reach its surface. The surface area of the Sun is 11990 times more than the area of the Earth. Its gravity is about 28 times more than that of the Earth. That is, if your weight is 60 kg on the earth, then it will be 1680 kg on the Sun. The Sun is not solid like the Earth, it is made entirely of gas.The gravity of the Sun is so strong that even the planet Pluto six billion kilometers away is rotating in its orbit due to its gravity. Sunlight takes 5 hours 30 minutes to reach Pluto.
energy of sun
The amount of energy produced by one square centimeter of the sun would be enough to light 64 bulbs of 100 watts each. How much energy of the sun reaches the earth, this much energy is 6000 times more than the energy consumed by the entire human being. A solar eclipse is definitely visible once in 360 days everywhere on the earth. Solar eclipse occurs only five times in a year. The solar eclipse lasts for 4 minutes 40 seconds. But the total solar eclipse lasts for 20 minutes. It is believed that after 5 billion years, the sun will start shining 40% more than now and all the ocean water will evaporate in the sky.
What if the sun comes on the earth?
It is believed that after 7 billion 700 million years, the Sun will take the form of a red giant. It will grow about 200 times bigger and reach the planet Mercury. The weight of the Sun is about 330,000 times more than the weight of the Earth. Scientists believe that if the sun as the tip of a pencil comes to the earth, then you will be burnt to death from 145 kilometers away. Norway is the only country where the sun does not set for 76 days.The Sun is also one of the 2000 billion stars in our galaxy.
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