
Showing posts from December, 2022

Indian love story।village love story।।Love story of dev and radhi

 ### Radhi and Dev: A Love Story from 1986 It is 1986. Two villages, Dhana and Matata, although close in proximity, are entirely different. Dhana is a flat village with fertile land and roads connecting it to ten neighboring villages. In contrast, Matata is a hilly village with rugged terrain and less flat land, making it quite isolated. **Birth and Tradition:** Radhi is born in Dhana, known for its expansive fields and vibrant community life. Dev is born in Matata, surrounded by rolling hills and challenging paths. According to traditional customs, when Radhi and Dev were five years old, their families arranged their engagement, a promise of future union. This engagement was celebrated with traditional rituals, but the children were unaware of the significant bond that had been created. **Growing Up Separately:** As the years go by, Radhi and Dev live separate lives in their respective villages. Radhi enjoys the bustling life in Dhana, participating in village festivals, helping w...

Famous historical temple for tourists

👉 Historical Temples of Rajasthan ,India  A large group of temples in the country of India is in a safe condition, This temple is a gift of amazing art, In the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, a large number of large and ornate temples were built in the Solanki style in the states Gujarat and Rajasthan.    1. Ekling ji ka mandir   ---- Udaipur (8th century) 2. Kiradu temple           ---- Barmer  3. Keladevi temple       ----  Karauli 4. Trinetra Ganesh temple----  Sawai Madhopur                                                        (Ranthambore) 5. Govind Ji temple       ---- Jaipur 6. JagatShiromani temple --Jaipur 7. Jagdish temple         ---- Udaipur 8. Surya temple            ...

Junglee lomdi (fox)

 Claver fox  Fox is considered a wildlife of the category of clever looks like a dog.Fox is an omnivorous animal that lives in forests and sometimes comes to the village to hunt.wildlife fox hunt small animals fox is an expert hunts at night instead of during the day, Because its vision is as good at night as it is during the day.The red fox is the largest species of fox found in the world And the weight of this fox is about 14 kg.It is also adept at climbing trees.Fox hunts most animals like chicken, fish, peacock, rabbit etc. 👉The life span of a healthy fox is about 15 years. Able to make 28 types of sounds 👉Fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world Whose weight ranges from 1 kg to 1.6 kg only.Its ears are 15 cm long.A fox lives in desert areas,Which mostly lives in sandy areas.This fox can make 28 different sounds.About 25 species of fox are found in the world.It is found in all continents except Antarctica.Fox eats 1 kg of food in a whole day.It ...

Areca Palm Tree

➡️  Areca palm 👉The Areca Palm, also known as the Chrysalidocarpus lutescens and Dypsis lutescens in botanical terms, is also known as the Butterfly Palm, Bamboo Palm, Golden Butterfly Palm, Cane Palm, Yellow Palm, and Golden Feather Palm. These are a few common names that most people use. 👉   Details Areca Palm Houseplant Info A full-grown areca palm houseplant is quite expensive, so they are usually purchased as small, tabletop plants. They add 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 cm.) of growth per year until they reach a mature height of 6 or 7 feet (1.8 or 2.1 m.). Areca palm is one of the few palms that can tolerate trimming without serious harm, making it possible to keep mature plants indoors for their full lifespan of up to 10 years.  👉Trunks of the Areca Palm Trunks are vertical and crown shafted. There can be a gentle arch to the trunks. Trunk diameter is typically about four inches, perhaps swollen at the base. They get a bit thinner toward their top, below the...

Reliance 5G technology launch

➡️ 70 lakh users will get facility from January। ➡️ 1387 towers equipped with 5G in Jaipur and Jodhpur।       👉 There is preparation for commercial launching of 5G in Jaipur and Jodhpur in January. Reliance Jio has upgraded in Jaipur and Jodhpur and Airtel has currently installed new bts in Jaipur.Both the operators have so far equipped 1387 towers with 5G in both the cities. Both the operators have 7 million users in these cities. Apart from this, work is also going on in Rajsamand, Udaipur and Dausa. so it will be special 👉Internet speed 20 to 100 times faster (up to 1000 Mbps) 👉 Now the movie which is downloaded in 5-10 minutes can be downloaded in few seconds. 👉 Even if many users join together, the speed of the net will not decrease. 👉 Till now the work which could be done only by laptop or computer, now that work can also be done by mobile. 👉 By connecting all the smart devices in the house to the phone, you will be able to control them from outside as well. ?...


  Dragon fruit What is Dragon fruit?   It is a tropical fruit with a unique appearance, crunchy texture and sweet taste. Its appearance draws its name from a fire-breathing dragon. Its rich source of antioxidants plays a vital role in reducing your risks of cancer and diabetes. Make it a point to add this Superfruit to your everyday diet.  ➡️Requires very little care once applied  ➡️Gives production up to 20 years after one application 👉150 species  Dragon fruit is like a cactus plant, it requires very little care.There are 150 species of dragon fruit. Apart from South America, It is extensively cultivated in Kutch, Navsari and Saurashtra districts of Gujarat state of India.Indian states Kerala, Maharashtra ,West Bengal, Karnataka, tamilnadu And now it is being cultivated in Rajasthan. ➡️25 to 30 kg of fruits are obtained from one plant. 👉Useful for ice cream,jam and jelly  Jam, jelly ,ice cream, juice and wine are made from dragon fruit.It is also used i...

Vertical farming

Vertical farming 👇 Vertical cultivating is a rural strategy through which harvests are filled in upward stacked layers. It is finished in a controlled climate utilizing strategies, for example, hydroponics, tank-farming and aeroponics, that doesn't utilize soil. With a developing populace and not much functional farmland to go around, vertical cultivating might be utilized to satisfy the developing food requests of the world. 👉 Starting   points of vertical farming The idea of vertical cultivating was first spearheaded by Dickson Despommier in 1999. He was a teacher of Public and Ecological Wellbeing at Columbia College. Testing his understudies on whether food could be developed on the roofs of New York high rises, an idea was made in which a 30-story vertical ranch developed by tank-farming and counterfeit light could take care of around 50,000 individuals. Albeit the teacher's ranch was not assembled, the thought took off, moving many later plans. Thus, states...


🌱Agribusiness is a combination of the words "agriculture"🌱 and "business" and refers to any business related to farming and farming-related commercial activities. Agribusiness involves all the steps required to send an agricultural good to market, namely production, processing, and distribution. ➡️The business of animal 🐮husbandry is excellent along with 🌱agricultural work. ➡️Organic manure is available due to animal husbandry 👉The use of organic fertilizers increases production in the fields and the raw material obtained from animals, milk etc. also benefits. 👉Vermicompost is made from animal dung, which is beneficial for the crop. 👉It is very important to take care of temperature and weather for crop production. ➡️Natural farming is very useful for production and health 👉


👉 All times are in india standard time      TEAM                             Time  Pistons v/s Magic          29dec                                            5:30am Wizards v/s suns             29dec                                              5:30am Hawks v/s Nets               29dec                                            6:00am Heat v/s lakers                29dec                ...

VALORANT game download

A 5v5 person Based Strategic shooting game THE Most recent Aces 2023 is Coming to Japan! 12/24/22ESPORTS Aces 2023 IS COMING TO JAPAN! VaLorant Frameworks Wellbeing Series - Smurf Discovery valoRANT Frameworks Wellbeing SERIES - SMURF Discovery  valoranT Information Break: 9-3 Revile valoranT Information Break: 9-3 Revile Resist THE Cutoff points 👉Mix your style and experience on a worldwide, cutthroat stage. You have 13 rounds to assault and shield your side utilizing sharp gunplay and strategic capacities. What's more, with one life for each round, you'll have to think quicker than your adversary if you have any desire to get by. Take on enemies across Aggressive and Unranked modes as well as Deathmatch and Spike Rush. ➡️Ongoing interaction ➡️YOUR Representatives I👉nventiveness IS YOUR Most noteworthy WEAPON. ➡️More than firearms and shots, you'll pick a Specialist furnished with versatile, quick, and deadly capacities that set out open doors to allow your gunplay to sp...


 😳fortnite players are getting $245 million in refund   Legendary Games, maker of the greatly famous computer game fortnite, was hit with the Government Exchange Commission's greatest punishment ever for a standard break this week. ➡️The designer was requested to pay $520 million for disregarding the Youngsters' Web-based Security Go about as well with respect to fooling great many players into making accidental in-game buys UTILISING a method called "Dull examples."  👉fORTNITE is allowed to play and makes billions of dollars from in-game buys like computerized skins for players' characters and occasional "Fight Passes" that give helpful things as a client invests more energy playing. ⏩In a delivery separating EPIC,s infringement, the FTC said that the game's "illogical, conflicting and befuddling button design drove players to cause undesirable charges in light of the press of a solitary button," including while players thought the game ...

Indian peas crop

 Indian farmer, Rajasthani farmer 👇 pea crop🌱🌱 ➡️In Rajasthan this crop is planted after October 20 and by January 20 this crop is ready. 👉 Most of the farmers are of small holding and poor family condition. 👉 Its price at the time of ripening of the crop is ₹ 30 per kg. ➡️ This crop is grown due to availability of irrigation facilities and electricity ➡️ Pea crops of Udaipur and Rajsamand district in Rajasthan are known for their quality.

मेगा जॉब फेयर, udaipur

 मेगा जॉब फेयर👇 👉उदयपुर में लगेगा मेगा जॉब फेयर 👉4 व 5 जनवरी 2023 को लगेगा मेगा जॉब फेयर 👉47 से अधिक कंपनियां देगी रोजगार 👉रेलवे ट्रेनिंग ग्राउंड ,सुखड़िया सर्किल उदयपुर 👉क्यूआर कोड को स्कैन कर फॉर्म भरे 👉कंस्ट्रक्शन, पर्यटन ,हॉस्पिटैलिटी ,सिक्यूरिटी, टेक्नोलॉजी व अन्य रोजगार के अवसर उपलब्ध होंगे यह क्यूआर कोड स्कैन करें,👇

क्या आप जानते हैं ‌?

जयपुर के पास भानगढ़ बंध्या गांव में खलकानी माता गदर्भ मेला आयोजित किया जाता है इस मेले में गधों और खच्चरों के अतिरिक्त अन्य कोई जानवर नहीं होता । कहा जाता है कि मेले की शुरुआत 500 वर्ष पहले कच्छावाहो ने चद्रा मीणा को युद्ध में हराने की खुशी में की थी

Festival of Rajasthan

 1.गणगौर गणगौर राजस्थान का प्रमुख त्योहार है  गण अर्थात शिव, गौर अर्थात पार्वती। यह त्योहार होली के दूसरे दिन चैत्र कृष्णा प्रतिपदा से चैत्र शुक्ला तृतीया तक चलता है। अविवाहित लड़कियां उपवन से फूलों को कलश में सजाकर गणगौर के गीत गाती हुई इन्हें अपने घर ले जाती है। राजस्थान में हमेशा से ही गणगौर के अवसर पर गणगौर की सवारी का रिवाज रहा है उदयपुर की गणगौर की सवारी का कर्नल टॉड ने बड़ा रोचक वर्णन प्रस्तुत किया है उन्होंने बताया है की अटालीकाओ में बैठकर सभी जाति की महिलाएं ,बच्चे पुरुष रंग-बिरंगे वस्त्रों व आभूषणों से सुसज्जित हो गणगौर की सवारी देखते थे। यह सवारी तोप के धमाके और नगाड़े की आवाज से राजप्रसाद से प्रारंभ होकर पिछोला झील के गणगोर घाट तक बड़ी धूमधाम से पहुचती थी और नौका विहार तथा आतिशबाजी के प्रदर्शन के पश्चात समाप्त होती थी।

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