
Indian love story।village love story।।Love story of dev and radhi

 ### Radhi and Dev: A Love Story from 1986 It is 1986. Two villages, Dhana and Matata, although close in proximity, are entirely different. Dhana is a flat village with fertile land and roads connecting it to ten neighboring villages. In contrast, Matata is a hilly village with rugged terrain and less flat land, making it quite isolated. **Birth and Tradition:** Radhi is born in Dhana, known for its expansive fields and vibrant community life. Dev is born in Matata, surrounded by rolling hills and challenging paths. According to traditional customs, when Radhi and Dev were five years old, their families arranged their engagement, a promise of future union. This engagement was celebrated with traditional rituals, but the children were unaware of the significant bond that had been created. **Growing Up Separately:** As the years go by, Radhi and Dev live separate lives in their respective villages. Radhi enjoys the bustling life in Dhana, participating in village festivals, helping with

Shilpgram fair, Historical vehicle Indra vimaan, Udaipur

Indra vimman

UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Historic Site of San Gimignana The historic site of San Gimignana in Italy is situated on a hill. The surrounding landscape from here is very breathtaking. This historical site was considered as a pilgrimage site during the Middle Ages. The city is located in the Val d'Elsa, 56 km south of Florence. About 72 historical buildings were built here. Out of which 14 buildings can be seen even today. It is said that it was built between the 11th century and the 13th century by the then rulers.

Ev technology tractor

 No fear of diesel consumption, old tractors will be converted into EV If a farmer is thinking of selling his old tractor due to high noise, high diesel consumption, then he needs to consider another option.Students of India's Gujarat Technical University have come up with a technology to convert old diesel powered tractors into electric tractors. It will cost Rs 1.5 lakh. Plowing and threshing works will also be done in this. University students Vrithik Panchal, a resident of Khedbrahma in Sabarkantha district and Karthik Ayetra, a resident of Bengaluru, have prepared an EV tractor by starting a startup named Vishwakarma Agriculture. It can do threshing and plowing just like a normal tractor. There is no need to bring separate plow or thresher, trolley for this. It can pull a weight of up to two tonnes. EV tractor is starting from seven lakhs in the market. Converting the old tractor to electric will cost only one and a half to three lakhs on the basis of horse power. Battery char

Miami city : Beaches and museums attract tourists

 Miami: Beaches and museums attract tourists The clear blue sky spread in the distance, the water of the sea shining like silver, the Bay of Biscayne shining in the night light, There is much more for you including sky touching grand buildings and museums. The city of Miami, located in the US state of Florida, is also known as Magic City. Due to its amazing architecture and attractive beach, it is counted as the third major tourist destination of America. Talking about the architecture here, the grand building of Wachovia Financial Center says a lot. If you want to get acquainted with the culture of Miami, then you must visit the Metro Dade Cultural Center. It is the only building located downtown. Two major museums in Miami are the Historical Museum of Southern Florida and the Art Museum. Which is located just a short distance from Down Town. The colored glass windows of the Gesu Church here are unique. Bayside Market Place is a huge entertainment venue. There is also a big shopping m

This is how the journey of traffic lights started

 ➡️The first traffic light was installed on 10 December 1868 in front of the British House of Parliament in London.This light was installed by JK Knight, a railway engineer. ➡️ At that time only 2 colors were used in traffic lights, red and green.This light was run by gas, but it was not safe, because it used to explode due to gas leaking out of it. ➡️ After this the first electric traffic light was installed on 5 August 1914. ➡️ This light was designed by James Hogg. The light was installed by the US Traffic Signal Company between East 105th Street and Euslid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. In this light also only green and red color was used, and 1 buzzer was installed, which gave signal before changing the light. ➡️ After this, the first traffic light with 3 colors was made in the year 1920. This light was made by police officer William Potts. ➡️ The first electric traffic light in the world has completed its 101 years in the year 2017. ➡️ In the year 1996, the traffic light running like

गांधीजी के अनमोल कथन | Priceless sayings of Gandhiji

💬 प्रेम की शक्ति दंड की शक्ति से हजार गुना प्रभावशाली और स्थायी होती है। 💬 The power of love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the power of punishment. 💬 जब तक गलती करने की स्वतंत्रता ना हो, तब तक स्वतंत्रता का कोई अर्थ नहीं है। 💬 Freedom has no meaning until there is freedom to make mistakes. 💬 काम की अधिकता नहीं, अनियमितता व्यक्ति को मार डालती है। 💬 Not excess of work, irregularity kills a person. 💬 ऐसे जिऐं कि जैसे आपको कल मरना है और सीखे ऐसे कि जैसे आपको हमेशा जीवित रहना है। 💬 Live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever. 💬 आंख के बदले आंख पूरे विश्व को अंधा बना देगी। 💬 An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. 💬 क्रूरता का उत्तर क्रूरता से देने का अर्थ अपने नैतिक व बौद्धिक पतन को स्वीकार करना है। 💬 Answering cruelty with cruelty means accepting your moral and intellectual downfall. 💬 अहिंसा कायरता की आड़ नहीं है, अहिंसा वीर व्यक्ति का सर्वोच्च गुण है, अहिंसा का मार्ग हिंसा के मार्ग की तुलना में कहीं ज्यादा स

गांधीजी की झलक

 दाण्डी गांव में हर साल आते हैं 3 लाख से ज्यादा लोग गुजरात के नवसारी के पास का गांव दाण्डी। समुंद्र के किनारे बसे इस गांव के कण-कण में गूंजते हैं गांधीजी। उस रास्ते को अब हजारों लोग नमन करते हैं, जहां से बापू गुजरे थे। महात्मा गांधी के जीवन दर्शन को समझने के लिए हर साल 3 लाख से ज्यादा लोग यहां आते हैं। नया म्यूजियम और गांधी जीवन पर बना स्मारक गांधीजी की दाण्डी की पूरी यात्रा को अपने में समेटे है। ऐसा लगता है कि गांधीजी ने 241किमी के इस रास्ते के कदम कदम पर लिख दिया हो... अंग्रेजों भारत छोड़ो। इसकी अनुभूति यहां आने वालो को दुबले-पतले गांधीजी की ताकत का अहसास करवाती है। दाण्डी गांव को किताबों में पढ़ने और इस गांव में कदम रखने में रात–दिन का फर्क है। दाण्डी गांव के पूरे रास्ते में आम, गन्ने, चीकू और बाग बगीचे हैं। नवसारी से दाण्डी तक के सफर में जगह-जगह दाण्डी पथ लिखा है। यह वही मार्ग के जिस पर गांधीजी चले थे। म्यूजियम समेटे है कई पुरानी यादें म्यूजियम के एक किनारे समुद्र है। यहां गांधीजी की बड़ी प्रतिमा और उनके साथ चले 78 लोगों की कदम चाल दिखाती प्रतिमाएं बेहद आकर्षक है, जिसके साथ हर कोई

amazing fact

🟥 Copper is the only metal on which bacteria do not grow. 🟥 The reason for Mars being red is that a large amount of iron oxide is found there. 🟥 Taste buds are not only found on your tongue but also in your cheeks. 🟥 The hardest chemical in your body is the coating of your teeth.  🟥 The acid found in the stomach can also digest steel. 🟥 Air turns into liquid in –190 degree Celsius.  🟥The longest-written constitution in the world is the Constitution of India. 🟥 The length of Mount Everest increases by 4 millimeters every year. 🟥 Every human being drinks about 60,566 liters of water in his lifetime. 🟥 There are 3 crore 20 lakh bacteria in one inch square area of ​​human body. Read more facts Our Blog--

Swordfish: 80 km speed and sword-like beak

👉Sword fish is cold blooded. Therefore, it migrates to warmer seas in winter and in search of cooler water in summer. It has the specialty that it can heat different organs accordingly. Swordfish can only warm their brains and eyes when needed. This helps a lot to see it and swim. Its body is long and round. By the time they reach adulthood, all their teeth and scales fall off. Its maximum length can be up to 455 cm and weight up to 540 kg and the life span is about 9 years. It likes to swim alone. Swordfish do not swim in flocks like other fish. The other swims about 10 meters away from the swordfish. Its sharp and pointed beak has many advantages. It is very helpful in hunting. By the way, swordfish have a natural hunter job. But whatever it is, they also have to struggle to hunt it. In other words, it is not an easy prey. The manko shark is one of the few marine animals capable of preying on swordfish. 🐟Can swim at a speed of 80 km 👉Swordfish are found in oceans around the world.

Gold wrapped Mummy found in Egypt

4,300-year-old mummy wrapped in gold found buried in sand Archaeologists have unearthed a 4,300-year-old mummy wrapped in gold beneath the sands of Egypt. It has been claimed to be the oldest mummy ever found. The name of the mummy is 'Hekasheps'. It was found in a sarcophagus made of limestone at a depth of 50 feet. Statues of women have also been found by men during mining. The discovery is part of a group of tombs of the Fifth and Sixth Dynasty, 30 kilometers from the capital Cairo. Zahi Hawass, an Egyptologist, said that unfortunately no such inscription has been found, so that the names of these idols can be identified. In the 1970s, the ruins of Mephine were included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Two shafts have been discovered at the site. In one of these the remains of Hekasheps were found. The second was 30 feet deep, in which other tombs and many sculptures were found. Tomb of the Priests of the Pyramid  The most important tomb is that of Khannu Majedef, who was

Think it over !

➡️Joule, the SI unit of energy and work. Who found it❓ ✒️James Prescott Joule was an English physicist, mathematician and brewer, born in Salford Lancashire, England. He is famous for his research in electricity and thermodynamics. Amongst other things, he formulated a law for the heating effect of electric current. He also verified experimentally the law of conservation of energy. He discovered the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat. The SI unit of energy and work called joule, is named after him. ➡️Hertz, The SI unit of frequency. Heinrich Rudolph Hertz was a German physicist. He was born on 22 February 1857 Hamburg, Germany. He got his education at the University of Berlin. He laid the foundation for future development of radio, television, telegraph and even television. He also discovered the photoelectric effect which, was later explained by Albert Einstein. The SI unit of frequency, the Hertz, is named after his honour. Read more articles Our Blog--

coldest village in the world

 Oymayako: This village experiences the coldest When the winter season comes, there is severe cold at some places and snowfall at some places. Have you ever wondered where is the coldest place in the world? How do the people here live their lives? Know about the coldest village in the world. Here we are talking about Oymayako village in Siberia. The average temperature of this village remains -58 degree Celsius only. For this reason, this village is considered the coldest place in the world. You will not believe that the lowest temperature recorded in the year 1933 was –67.7°C in Oymayako village.Oymayko village is a sparsely populated village. Only about 500 people live in this village. These people depend only on agriculture and animal husbandry. The people of the village have to face difficult situations in life. In –58 degree Celsius, you cannot even think of getting water from the taps. Here, if you toss water in the air, the water will fall on the ground only after becoming ice i

Terracotta Warriors: effigies of 8000 soldiers are made here

 The texture of the effigies buried under the ground surprises everyone. This is because they have been made with great detail. His hair, clothes, facial expressions are all clearly visible. The secret figurines of the Terracotta Army are believed to have been buried in the ground alongside the tomb of the Chinese ruler, Qin Shi Huang. It dates back to around 250 BC, when a young emperor, Ying Zheng, at the age of 13 in China's Shaanxi province, ordered his tomb to be built. At the age of 38, King Zheng succeeded in uniting all the warring states and became the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. As the emperor's power grew, so did the rain of wealth, and the emperor began to worry about the possible bleakness that would follow after his death. So he issued an order that a luxurious tomb should be built for him. This tomb should be underground and clay effigies of his entire army should be made there. After this, according to the order of the king, a desert site was chosen f

Amazing information about Sun

 the Sun  The Sun is composed of 74% hydrogen and 24% helium. The rest is made up of heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, iron and neon.The temperature of the outer surface of the Sun is about 5500 degree Celsius, while the temperature of the inner surface is about one crore 31 lakh degree Celsius. The pressure of its interior is about 340 billion times more than the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere. The energy that originates from the center of the Sun takes about 50 million years to reach its surface. The surface area of ​​the Sun is 11990 times more than the area of ​​the Earth. Its gravity is about 28 times more than that of the Earth. That is, if your weight is 60 kg on the earth, then it will be 1680 kg on the Sun. The Sun is not solid like the Earth, it is made entirely of gas.The gravity of the Sun is so strong that even the planet Pluto six billion kilometers away is rotating in its orbit due to its gravity. Sunlight takes 5 hours 30 minutes to reach Pluto.  energy o

echidna a strange animal

 echidna a strange animal Echidna is a strange creature found especially in the Australian continent. Like the platypus, this mammal not only lays eggs to carry forward its progeny, but also provides milk to its young. Echidnas are found more in areas where there is an abundance of ants and termites. The head of this slow-moving creature is round and bulging like a bulb. Instead of a nose, there is a long snout for collecting food. Its sticky tongue comes out of the mouth up to 17 cm.  Echidna does not have teeth in its mouth. It spends its whole life on the diet of ants and termites. The whole body of this creature is surrounded by sharp thorns. The skin between the genes has soft hairs. That's why there is no fear of ants and termite bites. On sensing any other type of danger, it tries to protect itself in the form of a shell by sharpening its thorns, or hides itself by digging the soil. The male echidna has a spiny bone on its back foot, but it does not have a spine. It is gener

Rajasthani Rural Culture and People |राजस्थानी ग्रामीण संस्कृति और लोग

 come to my country Rajasthan is a beautiful state of India.The past and present of this Rajasthan are very glorious.Rajasthan has many scenic spots, artist people's living tolerance, culture is unique in itself.If any person from this world sees Rajasthan once, then his mind does not want to leave from here.Even today, thousands of tourists from all over the country and abroad come to visit Rajasthan, and the people here are thrilled to see the decency and simple life of the people here.It is true that Rajasthan has adopted modernity, but even today the villages of Rajasthan have maintained their culture, which is presenting a living example in the village.Even today, such artists and traditions exist in the villages of Rajasthan, which have nothing to do with modernity.And the Rajasthani desi food that the people of this place can't compete with even in the country and abroad.  हिन्दी में पढ़िए👇 पधारो म्हारे देश भारत का एक खूबसूरत सा राज्य है राजस्थान। इस राजस्थान का अतीत और

Range of hearing

  Normal human ears can hear only those waves whose frequency lies between 20Hz and 20,000Hz. The waves having frequency between 20 Hz and rs 20,000 Hz are called sound waves.Thus, the audible range of frequency is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The waves having frequency less than 20 Hz and greater than 20,000 Hz cannot be heard by human ears. Children under the age of 5 and some animals, such as dogs are able to hear up to 25 KHz (1KHz =1000Hz). As people grow older their ears become less sensitive to higher waves of frequency. The waves of frequency less than 20 Hz are called infrasonic sound or infrasound. The infrasonic waves are produced by large vibrating bodies.   If we are able to hear the infrasound we can hear the vibrations of a pendulum just as we hear the vibrations of the wings of a bee.  Rhinoceroses communicate using infrasound of frequency as low as 5 Hz. Some other animals like whale and elephants also produce waves or sound in the infrasound range. It has been observed that so

world's first electric scooter with google vector map launched

  The country's leading smart electric scooter company Ather Energy has launched the world's first electric scooter with Google Vector Map. On the occasion of Ather Community Day, the company also announced a software update for Ather 450 series scooters under Ather Stack – 5.0.During this event, 4 new colors of Ather scooters Cosmic Black, Salt Green, True Red and Lunar Gray were launched. On the occasion of Community Day, Ather Energy Co-founder and CEO Tarun Mehta said that not only the new customers of the company, but also the old customers will get the benefit of these new features. New Some features of the user interface are such, which are rarely found even in expensive luxury cars. This is a first of its kind initiative in the industry. On the occasion of Ather Community Day, honorees covering long distances with Ather two-wheelers were also felicitated. Ravneet S Phokela, Chief Business Officer, Ather Energy, said that the trust of the customers of Ather is the bigges

Grow some Brassica vegetables in low tunnel

 Very profitable farming for farmers The trend of growing vegetables in low tunnel is increasing day by day. These vegetables will come in the market about one and a half months before the season. Due to this, the farmers of these vegetables will get good prices. There has been an unseasonal trend in the market for some time now.  Because of this, these vegetables get asking prices. These vegetables are grown in polyhouse etc. Lakhs of rupees are spent in setting up a polyhouse. In such a situation, many artisans are not able to set up polyhouses. This is low tunnel After sowing the crop, vegetables are grown in it by placing cloth or polythene sheet on it by placing half-moon shaped bars. Drip irrigation pipes are also installed in it. With the help of low tunnel plastic technology, it protects the crop from damage caused by low temperature and frost. This technology will protect the crops from damage during the fall in temperature. According to experts, a temperature above 10 degree

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